[E. 28] Finding Homeopathy, growing a Fully Booked Practice, & How Criticism has Catapulted Her Growth with Jennie Hoglund CCH

On this page you’ll find the full transcript of Episode 28 of the podcast with Jennie Hoglund CCH, Homeopath and now 6 figure business mentor. See links to listen to the audio only version of this episode as well as the playable transcript, thanks to our friends at Otter.ai.

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Susan Shannon 0:00

I'm Susan Shannon and you're listening to the restoring the day podcast Hey guys, welcome back to the restoring the day show I have Jenny Hoagland on today, Jenny is a certified classical homeopath, providing expert homeopathic care to help moms, kids and families create lives of joy and wellness. She's built a thriving practice both locally and around the country. And she's sought after as she continues to grow. And just recently, Jenny was voted favorite place for holistic care in the 2021, Minnesota Women's press annual readers, Paul, which is super cool. She's also an integrative provider with pregnancy and postpartum Minnesota, and is a clinical instructor at the northwestern Academy of homeopathy. And we could keep going, because honestly, Jenny, your accolades are numerous. And I love that and I just feel so excited, I want to talk about all of them. But I want to give you the mic now and go ahead and just share with everybody listening, why homeopathy is your passion.

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 1:43

Thanks, Susan. I'm so happy to be here. This is one of my favorite podcasts. And it's a real honor to be here. Homeopathy is my life's passion. It is a wonderful, gentle, yet deeply powerful, holistic modality that works to bring people into balance. It's all about really helping people rather than treating and suppressing symptoms. And is, again, a holistic modality that is wonderful for the whole family. My specialty is helping moms families, postpartum mood issues, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, autoimmune stuff, you know, there's not a lot that homeopathy can help. And what I love about it is it is safe, gentle uses really small doses of natural substances to stimulate a healing response in the individual. So it's basically the opposite of a conventional medical approach where you know, we look at symptoms and say, Hey, I don't want that symptom, take a medication to suppress it or make it stop. Homeopathy is different because we ask the question, okay, what's happening on a deeper level, and we find a homeopathic remedy that is really all about stimulating wellness to come from deep with inside a person versus, you know, trying to grafted on externally or superficially with the removal of symptoms. So it's an awesome wonderful modality that if you don't know much about homeopathy, it's worth diving into a little bit more.

Susan Shannon 3:14

You're Yes, and I just smiling because I listening to you describe it. There was a time I'm trying to remember back when I heard of homeopathy and didn't understand what it was or didn't understand. I knew what it was. But I had no idea how to cognitively understand how it worked. And a lot of the content about describe trying to describe it was very confusing and your content, specifically the way you talk about homeopathy brings it to a level we all can readily understand. And I'll just mention it right now. We'll talk about going later. But your course the coming home to homeopathy is like perfect, because it brings the whole concept of what homeopathy is, and how it works into my home, like into my everyday language that I can understand it. And actually, it becomes not this foreign thing. It becomes this usable, this usable tool. So you do that amazingly better than anyone else I've ever seen. So Oh, thank you

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 4:08

so much. Yeah, well, your passion and I love you know, my my online course is a really great tool for families to learn how to use homeopathy at home for acute issues like coughs, colds, flus, you know, my area of specialty is really in seeing patients for chronic or constitutional illness, which are broad, deeper things that we can't address ourselves at home. But homeopathy is really unique and awesome in that way, because you can help with anything from a splinter to you know, severe postpartum anxiety. It's really runs the gamut with its ability to be of assistance.

Susan Shannon 4:43

Yes. And your practice has helped me through that as well, too. I had pretty significant postpartum anxiety after my kids. And so when I had that constitutional remedy with you, it was bringing things into balance like In an astonishing way, so definitely

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 5:04

happy to hear that's, that's the goal. That's the

Susan Shannon 5:07

goal for sure. Okay, so I want to actually go there with you. Because this actually brings brings my memory back to the last couple episodes ever recorded. This has come up with each one, you know, when you are really fired up about what you do for your career, you just could talk about it forever, right? And it's just, I want the whole world to know about it. And I feel like that is such an exciting mark of women who are really following their passion. So can you tell a story for everybody listening? Why this matters for you, you have an amazingly powerful story, especially how you do constitutional care for women and families. So can you kind of share what got you here and your personal story,

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 5:57

I spent most of my life Susan feeling really tired, really drained, I can remember being 12 years old and having brain fog struggling to run and play like I saw the other kids doing. And I thought this was just normal for me. And that persisted through my teens, 20s. I was always tired. I thought life was kind of something to just get through. I was never very excited. You know, other than maybe five minutes here or there, I was just tired. And I never knew any different. I got married, got pregnant and decided I need to do something because I can't make it through this pregnancy. I don't have any energy. So a chiropractor, who I still see actually referred me to a homeopath. I went and sat with her did the constitutional intake got my remedy. And within six weeks, I was feeling amazingly better. I had more energy, I was invigorated, I started to feel excited about life, I found a reserve inside myself that I didn't know existed, it was like the homeopathic remedy had hooked me up with an inner resource that I had been cut off from my entire life. Wow. And I was I mean, I was sold, right? What is this thing that has helped me so much. And so I really started diving in reading more and more about homeopathy, learning about its history about its roots. It's not a new age modality. Homeopathy is over 200 years old and has been around for many, many years. And when I, you know, dove into this philosophy about the symptom, you know, the opposite of a symptoms based approach, right, the opposite of suppression, homeopathy understands that symptoms aren't disease symptoms are the result of disease. So what that means is we need to look deeper and investigated, understand the patient and you know, figure out what's going on in the whole person. I really liked this approach because up until then, I've been working in the medical field in laboratory science and, you know, it was okay, but it wasn't super fulfilling. It didn't really speak to my soul in the way that homeopathy did immediately when I started using it and started reading about how it works and you know, its history. So it's been a evolution obviously, I decided to go to homeopathy school. So I attended the four year program at the northwestern Academy of homeopathy. I, you know, growing my practice, I've continued to use homeopathy for myself and my family. It's it's a yes, definitely been an evolution. But it's something that my passion for just continues to grow on a daily basis as I am able to help other people in that same position that I was in whether they're suffering from something very similar, like fatigue, or from debilitating anxiety and depression. And you know, I had a slump into postpartum depression after the birth of my son as well. And homeopathy was there to pull me right out of it. So it has saved me many, many times in my life.

Susan Shannon 8:57

Wow. And consequently, why you're here now? Well, yeah, I've slept through it in this as well, too. I remember kind of feeling that desperation of Oh, what am I what do I do here and I had been to a couple, when I was in this in the slumps to my daughter was maybe one and really, really feeling it. And had been in and out to see a couple of practitioners, both natural and conventional. And when I sat with you, I remember you know, it was going through my head the whole time is, oh my gosh, she's actually listening to me. She's actually listening to me, and she's asking questions, and she's spending time with me to figure this out. And that was my, like, first exposure to what it really felt like for somebody to desire to understand so that they could make like really solid, really solid suggestions and then you created the remedy and it was helpful so that I will never forget it. That was like, oh my goodness, who is this person that is actually sitting here listening. So that's part of the beautiful work that you do as well, too. And I feel like even that is so much part of the transformative process that can really come forward when you're working with a homeopath.

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 10:16

It's true, having that opportunity to be listened to and considered in a way that has probably never happened before is quite unique about the homeopathic intake, because it's very much based on the individual. So, you know, just to break down a little bit about how homeopathy works. And exactly what it is, is, it's a branch of holistic medicine, where we use diluted doses of natural substances to stimulate a healing response in the individual. So we have remedies made from minerals, plants, but they're all made from a single substance and given to a person. So I don't make the remedies I don't, you know, mix up a potion, they are all made in FDA inspected Laboratory, or facilities, if they're made here in the United States, a lot of them are made in, you know, France or Europe, but they're made in very highly regulated facilities to very specific protocols of production. The thing that makes homeopathic remedies unique is that they're very diluted, and they're also agitated in between dilutions, which allows the water that they're prepared in to really carry the original structure of the substance while losing any toxic properties. So we have remedies made from all types of things. And the essential, you know, meaning of homeopathy is like cures like so a substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person can be used in the homeopathic or very diluted version to help a person who's suffering with those symptoms, whether their physical, mental, or emotional symptoms. So, you know, that's why homeopathy has such a broad application. But it takes a little while to understand a patient right, since there's not one remedy for a headache, or one remedy for arthritis, I need to understand the person because the remedy is matched to the experience of the person. Each remedy has a whole whole complex picture, mental, emotional, physical, and when I can match that perfectly, it is able to stimulate the vital force or the life force of an individual in a completely different way than a chemical medication. And so this is why homeopathy is so deep and so broad and so powerfully acting yet gentle and safe because of that delusion. So there's really no other medicine natural or allopathic. Right, that is similar to homeopathy it is it very, very unique. And based on centuries old philosophy that goes back to Hippocrates. You know, this, this idea that each substance has a signature.

Susan Shannon 12:54

Hmm, that's so, so fun. I just love hearing you explain it. And it makes so much sense. If you guys are listening right now. And something about homeopathy is kind of like turning the wheel turning you toward it, and you're finding yourself leaning in like, oh, I have, I have things. I'm wondering if homeopathy can help me. I just want to make this really quick introduction interjection because we're about to hop into really Jenny's growth in her personal story, and how she's growing her business and things like that, and her just overall badass hurry. But before we hop into that, I take a second and pull up a tab on your phone or on your computer if you're not driving, and just put in Hoagland. homeopathy.com. Right Jenny is that your website. So because just bookmark that, and then go back and read through Jenny's website and see what she has to offer. And she has great explanations on there as well to about why it works. And then how you can find help or somebody's love can find help with in homeopathy. So definitely just wanted to bookmark that in there really, really quick, before we kind of pivot the conversation. But if you are leaning in right now, definitely go bookmark that. And then after this episode, you can go peruse all that Jenny has to say about that. But okay, so exciting. So Jenny, I want to pivot a little bit and talk about how you have been growing this practice. And one of the things that I noted here, while you were talking is that we were talking, I mentioned how well you explain homeopathy and how you explain it better than really anybody I've ever met before, and how you make it applicable to the general public, how you make it accessible. That's one of the things that you're passionate about in your business is making this 200 plus however old therapy become become something that we use in a modern day times that makes sense and is everyday habit, right? Your content is amazing at doing that. And so I'm curious Has that come up a lot for you, in your career is kind of like explaining this to a population, how they can use this. And as you're building your business has that ever come up as an obstacle? Has that ever been? How has that kind of played out as you grow? have grown your business? What have kind of been the factors?

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 15:20

Yeah. So homeopathy is a complex, you know, idea. And it is a radical departure from conventional thinking, you know, we've all been indoctrinated to say, oh, a symptom, well, I better take something to make the symptom go away, oh, I'm sick, I better take something to make the sickness go away. So, you know, about half of it is helping to reframe that whole scenario in educating people and saying, hey, no symptoms are our friends, symptoms are our body's best attempt to achieve homeostasis amidst less than ideal conditions. And so we can understand the symptoms rather than just automatically squashing them, you know, that makes sense to people, right? It's a little bit of a pause, like, oh, yeah, I need to reframe this, because we're very anti culture, right? Anti this anti that anti everything. And homeopathy is really much more about being with observing making room for and helping support rather than, you know, coming in and telling the body what to do, we are helping to support the body through a process. And so the other half I would say, is not trying to be in the business of convincing anybody, oh, I learned over the last decade that if somebody is really interested, great, I'm happy to talk to them. But I'm certainly not in the business of trying to convince anybody that homeopathy is for them. If it doesn't feel like a good fit. I don't generally, as a rule, do anything that feels like pushing strongly against moving against the current doesn't feel good. And it hasn't led me to success. In my experience, what has led me to success is going with, with what feels like ease and flow and turning my attention to the audience that wants to hear from me, you know, and I think that comes with self growth with self acceptance and self love. Because 10 years ago, I wasn't at the place I am today. And so I maybe would try to convince people, I need to tell you about homeopathy. So you know what it is, and you know what I do, and you know that I'm sort of good, or I'm doing something worthwhile. But now I already have that innately. And so that's not my business anymore, what other people think of me, and that feels really, really good to have made that shift.

Susan Shannon 17:34

And that is the perfect segue as well into more things because we we've been chatting lately, you've been telling me some stories, and we were like, Let's get this. Let's talk about this in the podcast, because that is the husband's so instrumental for you being able to enjoy growing this business, and enjoy yourself and your life through this wasn't one of my favorite things about you, too, is how you this that flow is constantly prioritized. I love how you said I operate from that it's already I already know innately and accept who I am, and this business and the fact that it works, I have no need to convince anyone. So if people are ready for it, then great. And I feel like with being in that state, just watching your business grow, and grow and consistently flourish, and consistently, advance has been the most incredibly beautiful thing. So what kind of obstacles have come in for you? It's what kinds of things keep coming up to kind of either challenged that idea or?

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 18:39

Yeah, well, you know, this, the self growth and the self reflection is key in growing a practice growing a business because really, our practices are mirrors for what's happening inside of us. And so if we have hang ups about one thing or another, it'll show up in our practice. And that's good, because we can see it, but it's also, you know, we're not willing to understand that really, what we're experiencing is a reflection of what's happening inside of us. We have more trouble and more drama. I've engaged in a lot of drama in my life, for sure. You know, this person's doing that to me, why would why would this happen? I try so hard to make it not happen. And here it is. So you know, those experiences, right? We really set up our lives to hold off like, oh, patients canceling last minute or a certain type of client, it seems like the more we set things up to hold off a certain experience, the more it kind of makes a beeline right for us. That's the law of attraction in in full effect. But really, I wanted to share an experience that I've had more recently and that was that I received some criticism, and it was from a couple of people and I was in a situation where I thought, you know, things have gone really well. And I, you know, really shined and done this great job, you know, presenting, and it was it was sort of a miss, like it wasn't received well, my stance and it threw me initially. So I received some feedback, that was quite critical. And I immediately, you know, okay, thank you, I managed to say thank you for the feedback, and, you know, immediately was like, Oh, I'm gonna, I'm gonna quit this, you know, this aspect of things. And, um, how could they do this? How could they attack me like this? And you know, okay, so I was able to feel that sit with it. The next day, I was like, Oh, okay. Well, is there any? Could there be any truth to this? Like, am I just being attacked? Because people are jealous? Or they don't like me or whatever? Maybe. But also, gosh, could I come off abrasively to people if they don't know me, or I'm, I've got this wrong. So it was a real interesting opportunity for me to sit with one of my worst fears. Because it is very important to me to, you know, I think whenever you're in a persona, where you're, or a career field, where you're putting yourself out there, and you've developed the skills to put yourself out there, it's scary to think that somebody might not like me, because that's basically what it comes down to. Am I good? Or do people not like me? And does my sense of self and of being good and a good person come from external validation? And so for me, the answer is yes and no, right? I do understand that I'm a good person. And I was in this situation able to come to a place of peace in that I knew my intention was right, and that maybe I need to work on refining my, my way of assessing the crowd, right, reading the room, that might take a little bit of refinement on my part, but essentially, I'm a good person. And I, I have a good intention. Right? There was never a question about that.

But what it did for me on a broader level was opened up this question of like, oh, gosh, yeah, you know, there might be some truth to this, who am I? Am I an egotistical person? Am I abrasive? Am I condescending? These are some of the things that were perceived. And I came to a space of like, well, sure, you know, I am boisterous I am, you know, loud, I'm confident, I'm excited. And if you don't kind of know me a little bit that might come off that way. And so maybe when I'm speaking to a group for the first time, I could come in softer, I could, you know, not essentially change who I am. But whatever, I could make some adjustments. And so those details are not really what the most important part of this was, for me, but the lesson for me, and the experience was expansion, this expanded ability to see myself in many, many ways, and to understand that we all have different things about ourselves. And I don't need to disown or say, No, that's not me, I could never be abrasive, I could never be sure I could not everybody's gonna like me, I like me. And so I'm going to continue to put myself out there. And, you know, make, yeah, try to soften the edges here or there if need be, but I'm not going to fundamentally change who I am. And so maybe we're just creating some, some softness around that being okay to have received that criticism. And so, that was maybe six, eight weeks ago. And what I can say, since is that it's brought me to this whole different level of self acceptance and understanding that my ego or you know, it's not something that I need to get rid of, I love speaking I love being who I am. I love sharing. And you know, it's given me it's given me more confidence somehow. And I don't really understand how other than, you know, when you walk through the fire, you're faced with your first or your worst fear, something happens and it doesn't hold as much power over you. So I think that now I'm able to tailor things softly, right and have that awareness, but also, it's left me even more free to express myself and be who I am. Because I've already had that experience that some people won't like me and I have more acceptance around that now rather than trying to make sure everybody likes me because that's not within my control. And that's not really any of my business.

Susan Shannon 24:59

I love how You have brought that up how, you know, having not people not like you, it can be like a worst fear. And that has been for me as well too. And that has stopped me cold in my tracks at different points in my business, wanting to just curl up in a hole. Because what if I do this and somebody doesn't like me. And recently, it's been in several of the books, I've been reading several of the rooms, I've been having conversations and this idea that ingrained in us specifically as women entrepreneurs, we have to be so nice. We have to be so what's the word using? Yes? Do you say

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 25:44

pleasing? Yes. Pleasing? Yes.

Susan Shannon 25:46

pleasing to the eye pleasing to the ear and pleasing to everyone else and make sure that everyone feels good, and is feeling nurtured? You know, and part of that is part of what we're as women, we're good at a lot of the times, but also, when we are ourselves if we want to be you know, I always think oh, I I'm way too loud way too out there way too. Right. abrasive and what you're saying is having these things directly criticized in you brought a brought your worst fears to the surface. And then be you've been able to experience this, like, radical leap in acceptance. Is that kind of what you're saying?

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 26:34

It was the greatest gift I could have received at the time because it allowed me to really shift my sense of being okay, from what they thought of me to what I thought of me. I you know, I had an experience where I was telling a colleague, oh my gosh, can you believe what they said? She's like, Well, yeah, it's all true. But everybody loves you like, but But yeah, it's true. But so I was like, oh, oh, it's okay. And that was so freeing. Like she saw me in all of my humaneness and loves me, not even in spite of it. She loves all of me. And so why can't I love all of me? Why? Why do we have to? Like you said, just show these pleasing parts? I am. I am. And it is a powerful place to be Susan.

Susan Shannon 27:25

Yes. Oh, yes. How does that propel you forward into your business? How does that kind of keep the fire going? Because you get to be exactly who you are and build this and people are going to love you for it. And some people are going to not. And that's great, right? So how do you kind of see this playing into your business growth, because also, and we've talked about this actually, just you and I is how this even came as such a pivotal point for you. Because you were like, Okay, I'm actually ready to take my business to the next level, and the next level after that, and put it out there even more and, and then these criticisms coming in at this time giving you this opportunity to walk through this, can you chat about that, and the timing of things as well, too?

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 28:15

Well, it's, you know, the universe times things perfectly, perfectly. Our growth and expansion, the universe knows what we want, and is always trying to hand us what we want, and is always leading us down the path of least resistance toward what we want. And sometimes the path of least resistance looks like at first glance, a disaster, a crisis, you know, a heartbreak. And it's helped pivot me into this space of receiving like, knowing a solution is on the way, knowing that whatever comes my way, is really the first step of me going down the path toward what I want. And so that helps me to be more free to follow my intuition. You know, I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring me I know what desires I have to bring homeopathy to the world. But I think that that remains to be seen that will unfold. And so what I feel right now, in terms of a result is just this. You know, that freedom that comes with having faced a fear, right, like, Oh, nothing can hurt me. I mean, not nothing really. There's still a few things that could probably hurt me but, but that doesn't have the power over me that it did before the criticism. And I don't feel like I'm going out into the world like FIU. I'm going to do what I want and be who I am bla bla bla like this, but I feel more strongly grounded in my connection with my higher self. Because that's where my sense of well being is coming from a little bit more strongly now.

Susan Shannon 30:05

Yeah, you said something really, really neat. And I wanted to bring it full circle back. Because this is a point where I feel like we can really put together some actionable steps for people listening to you said sometimes the path of like, we're always looking for the path of least resistance, especially when we're going through a growth period. And you said, sometimes, that can look like a heartbreak. Or sometimes that path of least resistance looks like a disaster, or something like that. It's almost like this, this way out is available to you if you want it, you know, you could give up at this point, if you want to do but really the Pruvit moment comes in when you said no, I said I wanted this and now I'm walking through that. Can you outline what kind of action steps or thought processes you took to a maybe discern that this was a perfect moment for you an opportunity to dive deeper and really accept and then be walk through that process with yourself?

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 31:08

I think the first step, you know, after that initial anger and revulsion to being faced with an aspect of myself that I I wasn't integrating, right? No, I'm not this. I'm going to do everything I can to convince you that I'm pleasing. I'm not racist. I'm not condescending. I'm not too forceful. And so then I'm faced with Oh, no, people found out I am abrasive and too forceful and arrogant.

Susan Shannon 31:38

Wow, I love that thing.

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 31:40

crumbles at that moment. Right, the delusion crumbles. And so I chose to surrender. And I chose I want you know, for a minute, I wanted to quit and say I, you know, screw this. They're all out to get me. It's them, not me. And for some reason, you know, then then I talked to my colleague, she was like, oh, yeah, you're fine. That's you move on. And I was like, Oh, I guess everybody already knows this about me. Bring some self acceptance to it. So I surrendered? Yes, this is true. Okay, yeah, it didn't go well. Let's, how can we pick? Like, how can we pivot? How can that be? Okay, how can I live live to see another day. And it was able to integrate that and I was able to love that part of myself. And what a gift, what a gift when we stop disowning these unpleasing parts of ourselves. And we can just for a little bit love all of us. The power that comes in being a whole person is absolutely, and comparable to the the power that we have as a fractured version of ourselves. So that's what these challenges have always brought to me is a deepening of my relationship with myself and an owning of all of me good or bad? Because that's where the power is.

Susan Shannon 33:08

Hmm. Wow. So good. You said it's an invitation to integrate. Yeah, all these parts, right? Amazing. Sometimes a question that I love to ask myself and even my clients is, when a struggle comes up, where they start to all the shoulds, about how they should feel or should react or should be operating. They're in their life, or their careers, is what feels like a really bad girl thing to do. And a lot of times it's little things like oh, well, I mean, I would say no to that thing over there. What if you did? Or? Well, I would be a little louder and a little more opinionated. Wow. Why don't we try it? What if we integrate that? And asking myself that question has been one of the most healing things because it does it what what feels fragmented in ourselves can start to come back together. And we walk out of the room as a whole person. And the pieces start to make sense. And we start to feel like wow, because try to build a business try to build a career with all these fragmented parts of yourselves kind of up for grabs and up for Hey, if you don't like this part of me, that's okay. I'm going to I tried to build a business for a really long time with like half of myself feeling like it was acceptable and the other half to myself feeling like we'll hide that so nobody ever finds

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 34:49

out. And it always comes knocking on your door really loudly like there's no hiding there just isn't. Whatever we try to hide ends up screaming really, really loud. out the back door. So, yes, that's what I've discovered, Susan

Susan Shannon 35:07

is coming together, it's coming to remind us, it's here. Wow. So how can we start to like, look for criticism? And look for those kinds of moments as those moments with invitations in them?

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 35:23

You know, when the answer I think, is to just observe to, you know, I talk a lot in my work about being the unprejudiced observer. This is one of the fundamental principles of homeopathy actually, in in case taking and being with a patient, how can we be the unprejudiced observer, but I like to expand on that and say, How can we be the unprejudiced observer in our own lives? So when this comes your way, right? Whether it's criticism, or whatever, you're sensitive to whatever situations really jiggle you or trip your trigger? How can you take a minute, not react and observe? Right, that's where the power is. So give it a try. It's not always easy, right? But that's where the opportunity for growth is when we can pause the beat, observe, and then choose to respond rather than reactive blindly out of that ingrained sensitivity. And this is what homeopathy is really all about in terms of helping people on that constitutional level. It helps bring balance to this out of proportion, stress response that many of us carry, right, like we're over sensitive to, for me, it's criticism for somebody else, it might be money troubles for somebody else, it might be health issues, you know, and then we freak out with the slightest hint of, you know, disruption in this area. So when we can address that either with conscious practices, homeopathy, meditation, you know, any of these, any of these things that help? That's where the power is, in giving us a choice about how we respond, moment to moment, rather than continuing to react blindly out of our trigger responses. I mean, it's getting old and it's getting boring. You know, so many of us are ready for something new, a new paradigm of health and life.

Susan Shannon 37:19

Hmm, wow. Yes. Yeah. What kinds of ways Can people really come and hang out with you more? Like, both in homeopathy and all the ways that you have going on right now? Like, specifically somebody who wants to lean in and learn more about homeopathy? Where should they go?

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 37:41

Well, I have a Facebook group homeopathy enthusiast with Jenny Hoagland is a great place to start, my online course is available on demand on my website, which is a really comprehensive four session course that will take you through not only remedies to use at home, but the fundamental principles of homeopathy, how it works, it'll get you really thinking differently about health and disease and symptoms, you know, some of the stuff that we touched on today, and it's an awesome, fun course, you know, I've taken a couple 100 people through this course. And I've gotten really great feedback that people enjoy it immensely. So that's a really good place to start. If you are wanting to dive in and learn more, I am always available for consults, if you are wanting to get to the next level with health and freedom and ease in your life, you know, with physical, mental, emotional symptoms. Um, yeah, I have different offerings, different classes, from time to time. I'm hoping to start some group coaching next fall. So we'll see how that all goes. And yeah, yeah, who knows? It's an evolving thing, right?

Susan Shannon 38:45

It is future. But just be in Jenny's energy and follow her on Instagram. Remind me again, of your Instagram name.

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 38:55

It's V enlightened homeopath on Instagram, that's probably the best place to follow me. Yep.

Susan Shannon 39:01

Yeah, yeah. So I'll link all these in the show notes. So you guys can just go click through, but just be in Jenny's space and all the places where she is putting out free content and showing up, be in her space, because not only will you learn from the information that she shares, the benefit from homeopathy, but also just being in Jenny's space as a woman who is a mother who is building a business who is really leaning in and accepting all of who see who she is like these. This is the kind of people you want to put yourself around. So hang out with Jenny, for sure. What is I want to ask you right now, what is one way now with this kind of new? I don't know like, new level of self acceptance that continues to just solidify in who you are. What are some ways that you are exploring that and like moving into this next phase with that with Add grounding.

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 40:01

Yeah, that's a great question, Susan. You know, I felt it all through my being all through my physical body. It's been helping me so much with like little day to day ailments, my ankle is swollen because I think I ate too many of those paleo pretzels. And see, and I'm like retaining a little fluid. And I'm like, Oh, that's okay. A solution is on the way, you know, I had a little sore throat and I just thought, I'm just gonna relax, I'm going to feel better soon. felt a lot better soon. I was having headaches, actually, this week. After I think it was kind of my body was contorted a little bit doing some chores at my mom's house for a long period of time. And I had these kind of stress and tension headaches, and I was able to like embody this space of Oh, a solution is on the way. And this amazing thing happened, my dear friend who's a chiropractor, I shut my computer for the day after consults. You know, I'd reached out said, Do you have any time to squeeze me? And she texted me immediately. Right, then I just had a cancellation. Can you run over? So I ran over got relief from my headaches? But, you know, normally, I would be a little more anxious or a little more like, Oh, I've got a I, you know, I have a long day tomorrow. I've got to fix this. How can I orchestrate things? There was a scheduling sort of miscommunication with my mother in law. And normally, I would have been super irritated and like, why couldn't she communicate better? This isn't right, I'm going to dig in here. And I was like, Oh, we're all communicating the best we can, this is gonna work out. It's not even for like a couple of weeks, I know a solution is gonna come. And solutions have been flowing much more easily into my experience, since I was able to release resistance in this really big way. And so that feels like power to me and empower I'm finding is being in that state of allowing, in that state of receiving rather than in that state of like, well, I'm going to control this, and I'm going to control this. And I have to control what these people think of me. That surrender that I talked about it has sort of taken over in a really good way. If that makes sense? Oh, 100%.

Susan Shannon 42:05

It makes sense. And actually, I literally cannot let you get off this interview without asking this question. Share, Like imagine, error. There's a lot of listeners, obviously, who owned businesses, either full time or part time where they're hustling, or they're developing, or whatever they're doing. And it is one of the most aggressive having a business building a business is one of the most feel like aggressive in a good way, paths to self acceptance that you will take. You agree, it's just like, everything comes your way, and you're forced to deal with it. And so I want to hear your perspective on what you would say right now to a roomful of budding entrepreneurs, or maybe already thriving entrepreneur entrepreneurs, but they are struggling, maybe it's a wellness practitioner, just struggling to make it work. wondering, why is this so hard? Why can I get the clients? Why can I because, Jenny, you have for the last several years of your practice, you are fully booked, you are always just your business, your practice is just constantly flourishing. And a lot of times that can even bring up I know you and I have talked about this before. It's like well, how how does that work? You know, what, how does that happen? And there's so many times, if somebody practices not maybe seeing the clientele that they want, and they're not able to make it happen. There's this overwhelming feeling that this is so difficult, what would be some of your encouragement for people in those shoes?

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 43:47

If it feels difficult, it means you're in a boat paddling upstream. Right? Like I said earlier, the universe, in my belief and opinion is always trying to deliver us exactly what we want. But when we're paddling upstream, we block it. So the fastest way you can get into that mode of allowing is follow the fun. I have done this consistently for the past 10 years I have followed the fun, what feels like fun to me today. Sure, there are logistics that need to happen, right? But I have never experienced just the slogging through of you know, things that I don't like. If you don't like something don't consistently do it. Don't set up your life so that you have to do something that is just arduous, right? You know what I love designing and so I've been working with a designer to make this beautiful brochure. And I'm so excited about it. I've ordered some referral gifts for my referral partners and they are so beautiful and I love them and I cannot wait to get my hands on them. I just relish the thought of shipping these beautiful thank you gifts to my friends and you know I look at my pamphlet and I just feel so much joy. So what? What really just exhilarates you in your business, focus on that and focus more softly on what isn't fun because this is, this should be fun. We are here to have fun. Yeah, if it's not fun, don't bother. Yeah, I think. I don't know that that's a real popular opinion. You know, our society is so focused on like, well, you have to struggle and suffer and have hard work. And that's how you succeed. But that is not true. For me. That is not how I have succeeded. Sure, I've put hours in and worked in, but I enjoy networking. I enjoy talking about homeopathy. If you don't light up, when you're talking about your work, it's might not be the right job for you. So there has to be that thread of enjoyment of exhilaration of fun and enlightenment that comes when you are speaking about your work. So that I guess that would be my biggest thing. Follow the fun

Susan Shannon 46:02

that I 5,000% agree with you. Yeah, there's been some shifts that I've made in my business even recently, where I realized I was forcing things I didn't enjoy. And it was like, oh, okay, well, what do I what am I really like? What makes me go? Yes, what I want to do it and those are the things that you spend more time on in that and that can change, and allowing yourself and accepting that change as well, too. I think as we move through our careers is fundamental. Would you agree with that as well?

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 46:34

I would, yes. And it's a matter of what we're choosing to focus on. Today, I have to mail out, you know, a couple dozen remedies. Right. And I don't particularly love the it's a lot of work. It takes me an hour to get all these remedies ready. address everything. Do the charting. It's not super exhilarating. But what is fun is when I get to the post office, my friend is working. And we have a great talk. Oh my gosh, yeah. So I go in today, like I can, I can do the work. It's not a huge deal. I just, I hold it a little more softly. And then when it's time to see my friend and like, that's where my focus goes. So, you know, it's a bit of mindset as well. Right? What are you focusing on? Are you focusing on the the hard stuff or the fun stuff? Because every job is gonna hold both?

Susan Shannon 47:23

Yeah. Ah, I love that so much. Okay, any last thoughts you want to leave for listeners, we've told them go follow you on Instagram, check out your free Facebook group. Also, your free Facebook group is an insane wealth of knowledge. You've got little mini training videos on there, you've got like, even remedies, people asking questions about, hey, which remedies do I use for this and that stuff has been discussed in there. And then of course, your course is incredibly affordable, incredibly accessible. And it's available now on your website now and always so there are so many ways to get started. There's literally just hang out with Jenny and all of these spaces. And they kind of last the feed last things that you want to leave with people listening in on our conversation today.

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 48:09

Yeah, you know, so many people right now are feeling like they're sicker than other people or they're having a harder time than other people. And I just want you know, part of my message to people is you can get well, you can heal, you can be successful, you can have a fun life. It is not so far out of reach as it feels like sometimes just a simple shift is enough to start you on your path to feeling really well and enjoying life.

Susan Shannon 48:35

I can so so a second that. Amazing. Jenny, thank you so much for sharing a little piece of your life with us on this podcast today.

Jennie Hoglund, CCH 48:44

Thank you, Susan.