
Let’s Unpack Your Score!

Want to feel healthier but not really sure where to start?

If you noticed, a lot of the questions on the quiz you just took had nothing to do with what you’re eating. A few of them did! Cuz that’s really important, right? For sure! But equally as important and maybe less considered, is how much of an effect our other lifestyle and environmental choices have on our overall health as well.

For example - if we are experiencing weight gain, we might think we’re simply eating too many calories. And while this is sometimes the case, it is often much more complex than that. And we may need to unpack some things in your emotional wellbeing to heal and achieve a healthier life from the inside out.

Now before I totally freak you out by going too deep here (I mean, we sort of just met, right? :) ) let me show you why I split up the scores like this so you can get a brief snapshot of your current health today!

If you scored between 0 and 27, this may reflect that you’re happy with some areas in your healthy life, and not others. Answering the questions may also have awakened you to areas in our life you’d like to focus on and improve!

So I have some encouragement for you. The fact that you’re eager to feel healthier, happier, and if you aren’t afraid to do the work it might take to get there, you’re already winning BIG! And with a few lifestyle changes here and a few tweaks there, you can be on the road to health restoration in NO TIME. I hope this quiz gave you insight into that! Each of the questions was carefully thought out to give you an overall snapshot of all the many parts of your life that impact your health! We may not even realize how some areas of our life are directly relating to our overall feelings of health and wellness.

If you scored between 27 and 55, then let’s make sure we take a moment and CELEBRATE all your wins! These aren’t “easy” things you’ve accomplished. So way to go. On the other hand, life can be very turbulent, and at times in our life our wellness may feel at its peak, and at other times it’s more difficult to stay the course.

If you’re currently feeling secure in your heath, then one of the best things you can do right now to maintain that is to consistently show gratitude for yourself. Journaling a letter to yourself thanking yourself for all the work you’ve put in this year, or calling up your mom or best friend to tell them a big thanks for all their support along the way! Gratitude will help you keep a good thing going, especially when the going gets tougher.

Consider your own exclusive definition of wellness… what does it look like?

What is your own definition of happy? For some, standing in tree pose on the beach in a sleek bodysuit is the definition of where they want to be when it comes to health and wellness success, but the truth is, when it comes down to it, it’s so much more than that, and I think we all know that.

Everyday life is difficult. I often like to ask other wellness professionals what their definition of “wellness” is, and their answers are similar, but still do run the gamut! I’ll tell you mine here, and you can think about what YOUR unique definition of wellness is as well.

To me, wellness is whole body - the ability of the body, the mind, and the soul to stand firm in the chaos of life and glow from the inside out. That’s wellness to me. Wellness is having that toolbox ready and waiting so that you know what to do and what to utilize for optimal health when life gives you less than optimal circumstances.

As we get to work together, I’m excited to hear you unpack what wellness means for YOU! And how that manifests in everyday life!

Now let’s talk goals… because I know you’ve got em!

Whether it’s to lose those 10 stubborn pounds you’ve kept on since baby #2, navigate a tricky relationship, determine which dietary lifestyle is best for you and which foods are best for your body, or overcome your struggles with disordered eating… girl, this is a safe space to sort it all out.

Life can be a turbulent ride! We definitely don’t have to go it alone…

Seeing coaches and mentors changed and shaped my life in ways I will always be grateful for. I wouldn’t be the person I am today were it not for wise mentors, life business and health coaches that asked just the right questions to get me thinking, so I could find the answers within myself.

This is a huge reason why I wanted to become a health coach. Health coaching fills a gap in the health and wellness industry in a big way - as a health coach my job and my scope of practice is to help guide you from the sidelines. Your life (your mind, your physical body, and your personality…) is unique and different from the person next to you, and having someone there to ask you the right questions and listen when you need it - well that opens up from pretty powerful possibilities for personal growth and thrillingly vibrant health!

Ready to take the next step? Let’s go. This is gonna be awesome.