If you are a coach, trainer, healer, or freelance entrepreneur and you've spent the past year, two years
(or even three...) muddling through piles of digital freebies and advice from online gurus about how to grow
your business and you're STILL struggling to see growth and income to show for all the work you've put in,
listen up!
Right now, more than EVER before, people in the world are looking for people like YOU!
It’s time for you to un-learn what you THINK you need to be doing to grow your business and re-learn how to truly connect with the people that need YOUR help and what you have to offer.
It’s also time for you to start making a real full time income doing what you were put on this planet to do.
I GET IT. I’ve spent YEARS stuck in a mindset that other people could make a full time income working with their ideal, dream clients. I knew it was possible… but I wasn’t sure I had what it would take.
I struggled with my niche, I offered ALLLL the services, just in hopes of finding SOME WAY of bringing in income consistently . . .
But it IS possible for you.
And now it’s time to take the leap and start truly serving.
I used to work myself like crazy. I mothered my kids during the day and staying up until 2am finishing up freelance work projects, hardly caring for myself, and still barely meeting my income needs.
But here's the thing - through working with entrepreneur after entrepreneur helping them build their websites, manage their social media, and strategize their service or program launches, I learned a LOT. And I started to see a lot of similar patterns.
So I took a break for a while, learned some new skills, lived out my dream of becoming a certified integrative health coach and re-started my business and began experimenting new, more effective, more holistic ways of doing things in my OWN business.
And seeing what worked.
And you know what?
I figured out a better way to help entrepreneurs just like you design a more intuitive, soul-powered business that SUPPORTS your life and doesn't feel like it's suffocating you and constantly perpetuating your stress and anxiety.
I discovered and am constantly experimenting more and more ways to make running your service based business WAY more simple and WAY more Enjoyable! In addition to feeling deeply fulfilled as you live out your purpose in your community.
““This Program Was Life-Changing!””
Running your service based business does NOT have to be as complicated as it may seem.
And it certainly doesn't have to cost you your family time and your emotional and physical health along the way.
In fact, I'd even be as bold as to say, if it feels like that is the case, then it's time to re-evaluate some things and enroll in Soul Powered Launch. But let me explain more.
Building your life and your business simultaneously like so many of us are looking to do will inevitably FEEL VERY DIFFICULT if you're still trying to follow everyone ELSE'S ideas on how you should design your business. Odds are you're listening to ALL THE THINGS and all the opinions out there and losing sight of your own intuition and soul-inspired passion to do the thing you set out to do.
I’m Susan, and I’ll walk you through it…
I want to help you design a business that reminds you every day how valuable your service is and the incredible impact it can have on your community when you consistently know how to show up to your business and in front of your audience and clients.
I want to help you design a business that's simple, affordable, deeply impactful and totally scalable from the very start.
So, who is an IDEAL fit for this program:
Health coaches, life coaches, wellness service providers, therapists, healers, yoga teachers, photographers, web designers, anyone looking to HELP PEOPLE while simultaneously building a service-based or digital product or service business that SUPPORTS their life and doesn't overwhelm it.
You're either just getting started with your practice or product or you've been at it for a while but frequently find yourself stuck or not making consistent sales (or any sales)
You often worry that the industry is oversaturated and wondering how you're gonna EVER stand out from the crowd often keeps you up at night. You worry about your competitors and find it difficult to stay focused on YOU and YOUR intuitively designed business.
You want a business that fits into your life without the overwhelm, not a life that you have to squeeze in around your business where your loved ones get the leftovers.
““I ADORE Susan’s Authenticity. She is SO good at what she does!””
I don't have all the answers for you and your business, but I know YOU DO, whether you realize it deep down yet or not.
My goal for each member inside SPL is helping you stay FOCUSED and ON FIRE for you business - CONFIDENTLY selling your offer and making sales without stopping and feeling stuck in the overwhelm of all the tech, the countless options, and, yes... hesitating for the 100th time because you're second guessing yourself or your offer.
I’m on a mission to help everyone in our communities get the resources they need. I do this by helping YOU, the service provider know exactly how to make yourself and your brand visible to the audience you can serve best!
This could be exactly the accountability and the network of resources you need to start cashing in on your passion at last.
It’s ENTIRELY too easy to fall (head first) into the “I’ll just do it myself, google everything, and piece my business plan together with all the freebies I've collected off other peoples websites.......
...And THIS, my friends, can be a sllloooooowwwwww, painful, no sales in sight sort of process.
It’s slower than cold syrup. (←Rough estimate.)
Patch-working together bits and pieces of systems from everyone else's business blueprints isn't a guaranteed success for YOU because YOUR business is as unique as you are.
So stop thinking you lack the resources, time, and know-how and start taking action on the passion you have inside you to help others. And make the flipping sale.
But before you ask, I can’t run your business for you...
...BUT I'll help you determine where your energy may be most wisely spent in your business, help you create a simple, to the point, streamlined business model that starts making you an income, and THEN, when you're ready, if it's what you want, help you determine if and when it's time to start scaling up and out and getting the help you need to start growing and gaining even MORE momentum! (aka, other forms of outsourcing!)
Here are the details.
SPL is an online course made up of video modules, hours of step by step tutorials, mindset intensives, live office hours with me to get customized answers to your questions, and group coaching calls. VIP members also get private on one one calls to help deepen and accelerate their success even more.
The Cart will open for Soul Powered Launch on Monday April 13th. If you are on the waitlist, you jump to the front of the line to receive info on pricing and special payment options.
You ALSO receive an exclusive add-on offer from me, included for free when you complete your enrollment in SPL.
So many entrepreneurs, coaches, and healers right now WANT to help their communities more than ever right now, but they’re stuck in thought patters like these . . .
Am I really needed?
Will people even pay for my services right now?
I need the income now, I don't have time to build my practice or business online right now. It's going to take forever and I need to support my family.
I want to help my community right now, but I feel sleazy about selling ANYTHING right now!
Other people are already rising up to do exactly what I do. Whatever I try will just pale in comparison. Why even try.
I've been doing this so long, maybe I'm just done. I don't have the time or skill to launch online and actually make it as well as some people do.
And here's what I have to say right now, to each one of us.
You will serve SO FEW if you keep playing small and decide to stay broke.
You will lead NO ONE by being afraid.
You will create ZERO change by playing the victim.
You will realize NO JOY unless you choose it.
You will build NO EMPIRES unless you lay the bricks.
You will FAIL to inspire if you do nothing.
You will see through NO GOALS if all you do is dream.
You help heal NO SOULS if you sit in silence.
So here's our opportunity. Our opportunity to use our skillsets to truly help serve our communities with what it is we have to sell and offer.
Expect to see amazing things happen, my friends, when you say 'forget fear' and move towards love and service. For that is truly what you're doing when you step into using your skillset to help others.
I know.. you feel like you’ve tried everything. But this is our time to KEEP GOING. And not just keep going, but step into a brand new season of growth, love, and service by offering your service with love to your community. Whatever that is, unique to you.
If you're tired of straddling the fence and you're ready to get your practice or business online right away, or if you're ready to throw fear the unmentionable finger and step up and start your online biz, then I created Soul Powered Launch for you.
Launch your services and programs online and bring in clients in six weeks or less without any of the costly overhead, expensive website builds, or paid ads.
I got your backs, friends. Here's the application to get on the waitlist.
I KNOW you've got this my friend.
Go out there and lead with love. Not fear.