Non-Judgemental , Safe Space Coaching on Your Schedule

What to Expect With Our Coaching Programs:

  • Health at Every Size approach HAES™

  • Motivational Interviewing Techniques that honor your autonomy

  • An person by person Intuitive Approach to Nutrition, Lifestyle Mental Health & Movement

  • Gentle Nutrition

Get Started

Meet Susan, your coach, during this 45-minute introduction call and choose your focus for the duration of your plan. Choose to focus on a healthy relationship with food, body confidence, or how to eat to nourish your body without restriction.

Settle In

Once you’ve scheduled a virtual chat time each week with your coach, you’ll begin diving into your plan. This coaching plan is designed to empower you in your health journey with brief weekly education tips and tools and activities to practice that take less than 5 minutes per day to walk through. Then on your weekly scheduled time, have a chance to chat live with your coach and dig a little deeper!

Keep Growing

The initial 6-week coaching plan is the perfect starting point. Sometimes, it’s all you need for a quick reset and re-focus on what’s important! The material within this plan is designed to give you the tools and accountability you need to begin shifting your health goals into a deeply positive space. If you want to keep coaching, you and your coach will design your 1:1 plan moving forward to keep growing.